2020: 100 days of making

2020: 100 days of making

I make stuff. That's not new news.

I like a lot of different making, creating & crafting approaches, tools & techniques. That's not really new either. 

I struggle for decisive direction in my creativity & I have wrestled for years over what my 'thing' is - what kind of crafter or maker I am; what I make. Chopping and changing products over the years is not new, if fact I'm reasonably well known for it now, but a desire to channel that flexibility & make something of it is a little newer.

I have a marvellously eclectic stash of materials, tools & potential at my disposal which deserve better organisation, attention & experimentation than I afford them. The urge to rectify this is newer than the fact itself.

I create best in crisis conditions: with a looming deadline or tight timescale; with limited resources, materials or budget; with a specific brief or some fixed parameters. Making something from nothing. Again, not new, nor the wish to make more of it, but addressing it more so...

I will soon be ready for another shift with AnnaJane.

All things considered, it seems like a good time to start using more of what I already have - physically in my little studio, and creatively in myself & my skillset. 

So for 2020, I've given myself permission to make just for making alongside the rest of my crafty employments and to see what comes of it. I have some ideas but I'm not going to try and force them. Follow along with me if you like.

I'm kickstarting my new thinking with a little social media project called #100daysproject - my version is 100 days of making from stash. I'm posting every day for the 100 days on my @peaceandcraft Instagram & Facebook pages about something I've made just using things I've already got in my stash & scraps. I'll do a round up every week or so here to keep track of where it all takes me next...


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